Case Study: M&A data room / DD

Arnold Scherabon
3 minutes
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This case study looks at the challenges and solutions in the area of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Austria. In particular, it examines how Austrian providers can enable more secure and efficient execution by optimizing data exchange and communication during the M&A process.  

Background information

M&A processes require the exchange of highly sensitive data and documents between different parties. Traditionally, specialized data rooms are used for this purpose, offering a secure and structured environment. There are already a number of providers in Austria and Germany. Such data rooms are often very expensive and are only worthwhile for really large transactions. Smaller and medium-sized transactions therefore often fall back on less secure solutions such as email or Dropbox.


  1. High costs for M&A data rooms: Specialized data rooms are expensive. This often makes them unaffordable for smaller transactions.
  2. Security concerns with alternative solutions: Cheaper alternatives do not offer the required level of protection. Sensitive documents could be inadvertently forwarded to unauthorized persons, which poses considerable risks. In addition, such solutions can already cause problems with GDPR compliance.
  3. Limited use of data rooms: Due to the high costs, specialized data rooms are usually only used for due diligence (DD). They are rarely used in the contract negotiation phase, although there is also a high demand for security and clarity here.


IURIO offers a comprehensive M&A solution that covers both contract negotiation and due diligence. Key features include:

  1. Flexible pricing: In contrast to its competitors, IURIO offers a solution for a fixed monthly fee that enables several M&A deals to be processed in parallel. This also makes it attractive for smaller transactions.
  2. Comprehensive security measures: IURIO is one of the few solutions to offer client-side encryption, which ensures that neither the company's IT administrators nor IURIO employees have access to the data. This offers the highest level of technical protection currently available compared to conventional solutions, where data is stored on the server in unencrypted form.
  3. Further features: Automatic versioning, simultaneous editing of documents, a Q&A module and a chat and video call system that runs via Austrian servers offer additional functionalities that make the M&A process more efficient.


IURIO is a cost-effective and secure solution for M&A transactions that is suitable for both smaller and larger deals. In particular, the combination of comprehensive security measures and a flexible pricing model offers great added value, unlike other solutions on the market.  

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