IURIO Services

Our tailored services to help you achieve your goals

Backup & Recovery

Even the safest place in the world is useless if data or documents are lost, deleted, or natural disasters such as fire, earthquake destroy the data storage. This leads not only to an economic loss for you, but also to a standstill in the company. With Backup & Recovery, hourly backups of your data are created, ensuring the essential protection of your data and documents. This is possible because the backups are stored at different locations. In case of an emergency, we are of course there for you and can immediately restore incremental backups for you.

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Interfaces Configuration & Management

With API Integration, you opt for a convenient and proven integration method that supports, among other things, the structured exchange of data between IURIO and your law firm software. The connection between IURIO and your law firm software ensures that your workflows function securely and cohesively. In addition, the connection can be adapted to your individual wishes and requirements. Your excellent IURIO service team ensures that our and your high quality demands are met and that the high level is maintained with regard to adaptability, performance and user-friendliness.

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Customized solutions & workflows

We are specialists for the legal and tax tech sector and have generally directed our focus on the topic of secure and convenient collaboration in companies. Connected with this are workflows and in such we also think with you and not simply in functions. Connected to this is the deep understanding for our customers and therefore for the realization of solutions and workflows individual adaptations or customized workflows are often necessary. Sometimes standard solutions or off-the-shelf functions, even if customizable, are not the appropriate or desired solution. Our highly qualified project team of project managers, subject matter experts, UX designers and developers is ready to actively advise you on your challenges and successfully support you in the implementation.

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Individual onboarding

This package ensures the best possible support during the onboarding phase for you and your employees. Especially when it comes to the roll-out in several locations, different teams with different workflows are to be trained, a targeted and step-by-step introduction is the most proven approach. Especially because here we can focus on the different work priorities and workflows and optimally address the different employees and their requirements.

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Requirements analysis & workshops

Used in a targeted manner, online and offline workshops make absolute sense. On the one hand, to take a closer look at your requirements and, on the other hand, to be able to guarantee a professional project assessment and successful implementation for you in advance in the case of individual adjustments, your wishes, and customized solutions. You always have the possibility to sit down together with our collaboration experts in the tax and legal area and get advice on further possibilities to optimize your workflows.

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IURIO Collaboration Expert

With the Collaboration Expert certification, we support you as a partner or customer in developing your employees step by step into professional collaboration experts. According to your pace, experience and skills, adapted to your clients and employees. We provide you with the necessary knowledge so that you can take full advantage of all the time-saving and efficiency benefits in your daily work. You will learn everything about IURIO Insights and how you can use these insights to further simplify your daily work and make it more convenient. You will get to know the workflow engine, learn more about the Sync. client and the available interfaces and how you can configure them (or have them configured).

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IURIO On-Premise

IURIO can of course also be used as an on-premise solution and is an ideal solution for companies or law firms that want to keep maximum security under their own control. However, having on-premise hosting in-house and handling sensitive data also presents special challenges for you. This service is for companies and law firms that rely on working with ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, etc. certified vendors and data centers. We can help you implement on your own server, on our server, with third-party vendors of your choice, or in your own data center and beyond.

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Rent a IURIO Expert

Rapidly advancing digitization and automation require more and more expert knowledge. At the same time, qualified specialists are in short supply and the work is no less and no less complex. Building on the expert know-how of our IURIO specialists, you can conveniently outsource to us specific, standardizable, time-consuming preparation, configuration or optimization tasks within the scope of your workflows. How can I transfer certain information, processes, workflows or simply my users into IURIO as quickly and qualitatively as possible? Do I make full use of all proven or innovative possibilities? We are happy to help you wherever you decide that you need additional know-how and active resources from us

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Premium Support

Our service offering includes our known to be excellent customer service for all customers, as well as our premium support including dedicated customer success consultant, individual trainings, etc. In the context of rollouts for large law firms, companies with multiple locations or teams, sensitive areas, or for our on-premise customers, we are happy to assist you with best practice workshops and proactive consulting.

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