Test IURIO free of charge

Try IURIO free of charge for 30 days!

During the trial period, one of our employees will contact you to help you select the right package. At the end of the trial period, your paid package will begin or the trial period will end. If you terminate the trial period, you will not incur any costs and your server and all data will be irretrievably deleted.

You can get IURIO in 2 simple steps:

1. Fill out the form on this page and click on "Test now".

2. Then enter your credit card details. The trial period is free for you.

After the security check, you will receive an e-mail with the access data for your personal IURIO server and can get started immediately.

Start the highly secure solution for convenient and efficient digital collaboration today!

Andreas Nabicht
Arnold Scherabon
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