Digital tax advice: with innovative tools & expertise for your clients

Arnold Scherabon
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Tax consultant
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Digital tax advice: with innovative tools & expertise for your clients

Digital tax advice may initially sound like client support provided by chatbots and vending machines - impersonal, technical and distant. However, good tax advice depends on your advisory services and your clients' trust in you and your expertise. 

At this point we can reassure you: digital tax advice does not mean tax knowledge from the assembly line and advice à la call center including robot telephone voice. 

Rather, it means that thanks to digital tools, you have more time for careful advice and maintaining client relationships. Sensible automation therefore increases your service quality and your law firm's finances also benefit.

When is tax advice digital?

Digitalization is one of the buzzwords of our time - it feels like no area of life can function without it. So it's no surprise that calls for "digital tax advice" are getting louder. But when can tax advice be considered digital?

The mere use of spreadsheets, word processing programs and emails is not enough to give tax advice the title "digital". Even a few computer-aided helpers and tax software are not the solution to the puzzle.

Digital tax consulting encompasses the diversity of tasks in the profession as a whole and uses a comprehensive platform. It therefore requires a digital reality that meets all the requirements of the digital tax advisor's professional life. The motto is an overall concept instead of individual applications.

Digital tax advisor: What will change for your law firm?

If you take the path towards a digital law firm , your job description will also change. However, your professional expertise is still important, as it cannot be replaced by the smartest tool. As a digital tax consultant, you will be noticeably relieved in many areas and can work more profitably:

Leave repetitions to the software

In tax consultancy, there are some repetitive tasks that can be easily automated. If you let a software solution take care of tedious routine tasks, such as asking for missing receipts, this saves your time and that of your team. You can use them more profitably: for advising your clients.

From a stand-alone solution to a complete package

Your law firm may also have a few of the numerous digital everyday helpers around, which certainly have their purpose with regard to their respective function. However, such isolated solutions mean that users constantly have to familiarize themselves with new applications and nothing is linked. It is better to bundle these small solutions into a complete package and combine them on a comprehensive platform.

Pick up employees, don't run them over

If you are already convinced of the benefits of digitalization as a tax consultant , that's excellent. However, you should also take your team with you instead of overwhelming them with innovations. 

We recommend that you involve your employees from the outset and take their fears seriously. It is therefore important that the customer service of your software solution knows how things work in tax consultancy and is familiar with the work processes. 

In the medium term, digital tax consulting will also benefit you in terms of recruiting specialists, as young talent wants a modern employer.

Advice at eye level

Many tax consultancies do not see themselves as simple service providers for unloved tasks such as tax returns. They want to contribute their expertise as business consultants to their clients. You can gain the time you need for this with a smart digitalization strategy. Incidentally, you can use your expertise just as well in digital collaboration with clients.   

Digital tax advisor: What will change for your clients?

What benefits you should of course also benefit your clients. These are some of the key benefits of digital tax advice for your clients: 

  • More consulting services: Your clients effectively get more meaningful service for their money when you have more time for consulting
  • Lower costs: Your clients save, for example, if they can do without the post and the journey to your office
  • Less time spent: instead of waiting days for your letters, your clients receive documents quickly and securely in digital form
  • More digitalization (please): The desire for clever digital solutions is also growing for tax consulting - your clients win just as much as you do when workflows run quickly, smoothly and digitally

Set up digital tax consulting: Digitize sensibly with IURIO

If you are looking for a comprehensive solution to set yourself up digitally as a tax consultant, IURIO offers you a collaboration suite that understands the workflows of tax consulting instead of just providing you with a technical bundle of functions. 

Instead of simply converting parts of your day-to-day work to digital, we offer you a holistic solution and tax consultancy platform that takes your workflows and the special requirements of tax consultancy into account. This starts with communication: 

  • With IURIO, you save around 50 percent of the usual effort thanks to the message function and automated follow-up
  • With data exchange in the Collaboration Suite, confidential documents are GDPR-compliant, faster than by post and more secure than in an email attachment
  • The distribution of tasks becomes clear and unambiguous on a digital board, isolated solutions are combined
  • The digital signature module also speeds up reconciliation loops

Above all, working digitally means being efficient. OPOS lists, payroll accounting, tax returns and advance VAT returns are only a worthwhile business for you if the work processes behind them are smooth. If you switch directly to digital tax consulting, you are backing the right horse. 

More efficient as a complete package: digital tax advice as an expert solution

Tackling digital tax consulting as a complete package saves time, money and nerves - for you and your clients. A software solution that really knows and understands the needs of tax advisors is ideal for you. Only then will you get a result that can provide tax advice and runs technically flawlessly.

With the IURIO tool, you can offer your clients your usual advisory expertise - but more intensively, in more detail and with more time. Get in touch today if you are also interested in the IURIO solution!

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