Legal Project Management: More clarity in the thicket of paragraphs

Arnold Scherabon
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Legal Project Management: More clarity in the thicket of paragraphs

Although "new work" has long since outgrown its infancy, this is only partially true for digitization in law firms. It is not uncommon for it to progress at a baby-stepping pace. The fact is, however, that both clients and legal talent on the labor market want a law firm to provide modern support and a digital working environment. 

A survey of lawyers has shown that digitization is perceived within the industry as a change, but by no means as a revolution. The Corona pandemic may have - inevitably - changed that. But why not voluntarily seize the opportunities inherent in the "big D" and position yourself with it?

This is where Legal Project Management comes in. We will show you what new perspectives arise for you in terms of networked working if you consider project management under the industry-specific criteria that arise in the legal sector.

What is Legal Project Management?

The basic idea of Legal Project Management is to transfer concepts and ideas of classical project management to the specific requirements of legal work. A complex labor law case with a processing deadline and various players, for example, is regarded as a project. The associated management tasks and the organizational processes are referred to as Legal Project Management.

New challenges: Why pursue project management as a lawyer?

For a law firm to function efficiently, it's important to look at your own work from an overarching point of view - especially in an industry like law, which is committed to detail. What good is the best brief if it arrives too late because of last-minute cosmetic corrections?

Pure knowledge of the law is a necessary condition for your success, but by no means the only one. As a successful lawyer, you need a strong team and the right infrastructure to meet demanding clients and deadline pressure. Digital services, including absolute data security, not only belong in the law firm of the future, but are already a must for your long-term success in the present.

Why Project Management is not the same as Legal Project Management‍
There are plenty of tools for project management. Legal Project Management, however, is in a class of its own! Common project management tools are adapted to the structures and workflows of companies. Legal work, however, follows different rules. A digital solution for legal project management must meet the highest standards of data security and is irreplaceable as a specific tool for the legal profession!

At the same time, your employees' demands for a modern working environment are increasing. If you want to counteract the omnipresent staff shortage, you should create opportunities for flexible and networked work in the home office as well as with colleagues in the office - and thus give yourself a competitive advantage.

The goal is: agile collaboration at eye level with your clients and employees. With the right digital tool for Legal Project Management, you can keep track of all project participants and deadlines, introduce more efficient workflows and thus save up to 50 percent of your valuable time! 

Project Management Law Firm: Thinking of Solutions as Total Packages

As a lawyer, you know that every case is unique and no two days are the same. Nevertheless, there are some basic processes that you should keep in mind as part of Legal Project Management. You can do this most efficiently with a suitable technical solution that covers the following tasks:

  • Clear time management: Deadlines are not an option for lawyers, they are the only way - that's why you need to be able to keep track of all deadlines at all times
  • Smooth communication: The exchange in the home office or in the office takes place on several levels & Agreements with clients must run smoothly, since they often have a binding character
  • Document management: Especially in law firms, a secure data exchange in the digital world is important to avoid piles of files & long waiting times, as well as to spare your nerves and those of your employees.
  • Efficient workflows: To benefit from workflows in your team as well as with your clients instead of confusing workloads, you should combine many small individual tasks into an overall package

With this inventory, you already have the basic tasks of Legal Project Management in mind. While every case has its own peculiarities, these requirements always remain similar - and always relevant. It is therefore worthwhile to make them as efficient as possible and to see them as the starting point for successful legal work.

To ensure that your Legal Project Management is not only successful in theory, but also in practice, you need holistic software such as the Collaboration Suite from IURIO. The program bundles various stand-alone solutions on one platform and understands your law firm's workflows in their entirety. 

Collaboration Suite IURIO: Sophisticated Legal Project Management Software for Your Law Firm

Probably the most important benefit of the IURIO Collaboration Suite: It was developed by lawyers for lawyers and therefore provides you with the solutions you really need in practice. IURIO is not a typical law firm software, but a digital platform for efficient digital collaboration with colleagues and clients. 

With IURIO, you digitize analog processes and combine isolated solutions into one user-friendly package. The collaboration suite provides you with a three-part legal project management: Each of your client projects receives an external and an internal data safe - the first for the exchange with the client, the second for you and your team. A task board also ensures that everyone has an overview of their tasks. 

Thanks to DSGVO-compliant data transfer, you can also implement workflows such as the digital signature (tax advisors beware - it also makes sense for you!) in one platform. This saves you time, speeds up coordination with clients and significantly reduces the workload of your employees.

Workflows instead of "just" functions: Your Legal Project Management in the Collaboration Suite

IURIO understands the processes of a legal project in all their complexity - in the spirit of Legal Project Management. The Collaboration Suite is your digital platform for collaboration with colleagues as well as clients for faster communication, secure data transfer and saved working time.

With Legal Project Management, you have the threads in your hands and everything important in view - and with the help of IURIO, you can turn work processes into workflows instead of merely viewing them as isolated tasks. 

Feel free to contact us and let's find out together how the IURIO Collaboration Suite can concretely support your law firm.

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