Tax advisor platform: Efficient collaboration instead of flat stand-alone solutions

Arnold Scherabon
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Tax consultant
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Tax advisor platform: Efficient collaboration instead of flat stand-alone solutions

If you want to network and digitize communication with your employees, clients and external contacts, a tax advisor platform is a must and not just a freestyle activity. What sounds like a good and efficient idea is still more of a patchwork quilt in practical implementation in many tax consulting firms.

Although digital tools are already widely deployed, most tax firms use standalone island solutions instead of organizing their workflows and collaboration into a comprehensive strategy.

You, too, have probably noticed that the various tools in the course of digitization offer tax consultants noticeable advantages. However, for a measurable and sustainable increase in efficiency and relief for your employees, you need a platform on which you can bring together the individual case applications. 

From Video Call to Project Management: Isolated Solutions in the Tax Office

There are many law firm software and digital solutions for companies and law firms. In Germany, for example, DATEV dominates the market, while in Austria BMD sets the tone. In addition to the two top dogs, numerous other software applications are circulating. These small digital helpers mostly handle singular tasks in tax consulting, so you need a tool for each area: 

  • Insert digital signature according to the requirements of tax advisors
  • Software for secure upload of documents and receipts
  • Tool for video calls and online conferences
  • Project management and task management for the law firm
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

A multitude of highly specialized small problem solvers is useful to a certain extent, but tax consulting is a complex overall package and therefore needs a well sorted toolbox instead of tens of small tools. On a tax advisor platform, you can organize and link all isolated solutions so that the application you are looking for is immediately at hand.

Secure & efficient: Control communication & workflows via one platform

Tax consulting is a highly networked business, because in addition to colleagues, employees and clients, external partners such as authorities, courts, lawyers and notaries must also be taken into account. In addition, "new work" has also found its way into tax consulting - many colleagues work in a home office and larger law firms also work across locations.

In order to meet all the important deadlines in your day-to-day business, you depend on smooth project processes, both internally and externally. However, it becomes difficult when you have to use a handful of different communication tools and individual solutions for each individual work step.

Which tax consultant or accountant doesn't know this problem: half-completed entertainment receipts or missing certificates reliably hold you up at work - and following up by mail or phone costs additional time and nerves.

One of the fundamental advantages of digitization should be that you can bundle your services, internal and external processes and, above all, communication with clients and partners. For this to work, you need a central, digital point of contact instead of small isolated solutions. 

A tax advisor platform like IURIO offers in this context: 

  • DSGVO-compliant, secure data exchange for all your internal and external communication processes 
  • Email chains with questions & answers become superfluous thanks to a unified communication channel
  • Project management tool for clear task management within the law firm
  • A web conferencing tool integrates communication with team and clients
  • If documents are missing, the system automatically follows up with the client - a real time-saver for your accounting department
  • Automatic data exchange with BMD & DATEV - you can connect both softwares via the platform
  • Relieve your accounting department through automatic assignment of documents from BMD & DATEV instead of manual assignment
  • Receipts that come in by mail no longer have to be entered manually into the office software.
  • Sensible implementation of workflows, e.g. digital signatures for documents
  • DSGVO-compliant, secure data transfer for your clients & partners for all documents & sensitive data

With a comprehensively designed tax advisor platform like IURIO, you have the optimal lever to put an end to paperwork and communication loops and to digitally transform your work. Isolated solutions are combined in a meaningful way, and thanks to the right interfaces, data exchange with the most important law firm software also works.

One for all: The Collaboration Suite IURIO provides competitive advantages

Collaboration in the digital space works without friction losses when uniform structures and clear processes are in place. The IURIO Collaboration Suite corresponds to the proverbial red thread for collaboration with clients and stakeholders, so that you can efficiently bring together all other threads. 

In a single centralized tax advisor platform, you and your team control everything from project management to the exchange of individual documents. With IURIO, you communicate stringently via one channel with clients, lawyers, notaries and M&A advisors. The clear appointment coordination and a web conferencing tool also support you in further simplifying the exchange and all communicative processes.

With a well thought-out document management and integrated workflows such as joint work on documents in real time and interfaces to the most important law firm software, you gain significant competitive advantages for your law firm with IURIO: The time that accounting no longer takes away from you can be used for acquisition and sound advice. 

Growth factor tax advisor platform: obligation instead of freestyle for your tax advice

With the legal obligation to digitize, the trend is clear: tax consulting is visibly shifting to the web. And that has advantages. With the right solution, you can steer your workflows in the right direction, streamline communication and massively relieve your accounting department thanks to automated follow-up in the event of missing documents. 

If you see yourself as a partner and business advisor to your clients, strategic optimization of your internal processes is definitely worthwhile. What benefits you internally ultimately also benefits your clients and shows you to be an innovative, service-oriented financial expert. 

In this way, digitization becomes a growth factor for the industry - and for your company. You can invest the time you save in providing your clients with the best possible advice instead of chasing after lost documents.

To keep pace as a modern tax advisor, you should take the initiative instead of letting yourself be controlled by developments in your work environment. An overarching and holistic tax advisor platform offers you the necessary technical infrastructure for this. Contact us if you would like to learn more about the benefits and potential of IURIO for your tax firm!

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