Legal tech law firm: a buzzword with substance

Arnold Scherabon
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Legal tech law firm: a buzzword with substance

What is legal tech? It seems to be one of the buzzwords par excellence when it comes to the digitalization of legal services. However, it is a buzzword with method and meaning: the legal tech law firm is the digital law firm of the future, and legal tech is the future of the law firm.

Does that sound pompous? Well, there are good reasons why the buzzword legal tech is more than just an empty phrase. IT and law are entering into a meaningful alliance on many different levels. 

In this article, you can find out how you as a lawyer can benefit from this arrangement. However, the main benefits of the legal tech law firm can be found here at a glance:
- Legal tech can support you in your daily work as a lawyer and take work off your hands.
- Legal tech in the law firm structures and systematizes processes for smooth collaboration with colleagues and clients. 
- Legal tech replacing lawyers is a dream of the future at best - instead, it stands for support and automation instead of time-consuming detailed work.

What is legal tech?

Legal tech or technology refers first and foremost to IT applications and solutions related to legal services. Their services range from digital helpers for daily office organization to specialist databases and the automation of simple legal work steps. However, there will be no artificial intelligence to replace the expertise of lawyers in the future.

How does legal tech work?

By definition, the broad field of legal tech starts with website classics such as "laws on the internet". However, the term stands for much more, as it utilizes the digitization potential of specific legal work steps and thus facilitates the day-to-day work of lawyers. Written client communication, document management and secure web meetings with clients are just a few examples of legal tech applications.

What is a legal tech law firm?

A legal tech law firm is a law or tax consultancy firm that offers its clients digitized services according to a sophisticated system. Internal collaboration is also important, which is a high priority in a legal tech law firm. A legal tech law firm not only focuses on external processes, but also includes internal processes.

Pros & cons: Legal tech law firm - is it worth the effort?

Now that the question "Legal tech: what is it?" has been answered, we will look at the arguments for and against the digitalization of law firm-specific processes. 

Traditionalists in the legal profession may have concerns about data security or see the relationship of trust between clients and legal advisors at risk. But the fact is that even the judiciary can no longer close its eyes to current digital developments.  

Opportunities for lawyers with a legal tech law firm 

You can think of a legal tech law firm as an intelligently networked ecosystem of legal work for employees and clients: 

  • Systematization for speed & efficiency: Mapping recurring work processes digitally makes sense and simplifies your day-to-day business. 
  • Location-independent collaboration: Do your employees want to work from home and your clients are not from the neighborhood? Bridging distances and optimizing workflows is no problem for Legal Tech Kanzlei.
  • Improve communication: Instead of producing long email chains with file attachments, you can use the right legal tech software to bundle correspondence and document management and make them more efficient.
  • Effectively save time: With Legal Tech, you can easily resolve long coordination loops as you receive rapid feedback thanks to improved communication and clear responsibilities. 

Current & future challenges for legal tech law firms

Upheavals such as digitalization for tax advisors and lawyers raise concerns for many. These concerns are not entirely unfounded, as you need to keep an eye on numerous details in digitization processes:

  • Data leaks: The issue of data security is a major concern for many legal advisors. If you rely on legal technology, you should therefore definitely choose a provider that demonstrably complies with the GDPR. 
  • Insecure messaging channels: In the legal business, you need different channels than in your private life - WhatsApp or emails are not a secure choice. A good legal tech provider will also offer you a reliable solution for your digital correspondence.
  • Isolated solutions: Not all legal tech is the same. Isolated solutions for individual processes and workflows will create more work than relief for you and your clients in the long term. Instead, rely on holistic concepts for your legal tech law firm.
  • Don't lose touch: When it comes to legal tech, you should be up to date with the latest developments. Your clients expect a modern, up-to-date service - meet this demand instead of being left behind! 

Legal tech advice: Where do I start with legal tech in my law firm?

What is legal tech for you and your clients and what should it be able to do? You should get to the bottom of this question if you want to implement legal tech in your law firm. A sensible first step is to take stock of your current tools and connect isolated digital solutions on a comprehensive platform.

This is possible, for example, with the Collaboration Suite from IURIO. The software forms a meaningful bracket that combines isolated solutions in a digital working environment. On this basis, internal and external workflows are sensibly bundled and transferred to a standardized system.

This provides you with optimal conditions for productive collaboration and promising legal project management. IURIO was developed by lawyers for lawyers and summarizes what you really need in your legal tech law firm: 

  • Web conferencing tool and messaging channels to communicate securely with clients and employees and assign tasks 
  • The integrated digital signature shortens waiting times for signed documents
  • Instead of sending contracts, annual financial statements etc. insecurely by email, upload them for secure data transfer within the Collaboration Suite

The context of the legal (collaboration) work has been thought through in detail and is guaranteed to be GDPR-compliant. We would be happy to advise you on our solution

Practical examples: What does legal tech look like for law firms?

"Legal tech" is often dismissed as a buzzword because many law firm employees cannot imagine what its use actually looks like on a day-to-day basis:

The situation: 

Drafting contracts is a familiar scenario for many commercial lawyers and usually involves a lot of email correspondence. The crux of the matter is that draft contracts are often packed into email attachments and sent to employees and clients in a large distribution list. After all, everyone has to be up to date.

But beware: 

The GDPR alarm bell is ringing! Sensitive data of this kind is by no means secure, and lawyers in particular need to take special care when it comes to data protection. 

The solution:

Instead of using standard office software such as mail programs, you can use a collaboration suite in which you can control communication and coordination processes individually and in compliance with the GDPR. 

In terms of legal project management, you have an overview of the entire process, assign tasks to clients and employees without any doubt, keep an eye on deadlines and communicate and exchange data exclusively via secure channels.  

Important today, irreplaceable tomorrow? Future-oriented legal advice in the legal tech law firm   

If you want to remain fit for the future as a lawyer or tax consultant, you cannot avoid integrating legal tech into your law firm. Legal tech is neither a threat nor a meaningless buzzword - it is a door to a networked law firm that opens up for you, your team and your clients. 

IURIO supports you on your way to becoming a legal tech law firm: With our platform for digitized workflows for legal and tax advice, you are on the safe side when it comes to GDPR and meet the desire of employees and clients alike for location-independent, efficient collaboration. 

Get in touch with us if you want to know where your law firm stands with regard to legal tech and what specific opportunities the IURIO solution offers you.

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